I am currently in a lovely little place called Cavendish, Prince Edward Island. We drove here from Moncton, N.B. this afternoon via Confederation Bridge. So freaking cool! My Mom's fiance, Trent, lived all around the Martitimes during his university years, while he went to Dalhousie University. Trent was living in Summerside, PEI while Confederation Bridge was being built! Look up some info on that, it's very interesting and I had no idea it existed.
I love PEI. Some things that I have learned about it so far:
- Recycling is mandatory by law here. Which I think should be enforced by law everywhere, in every province. Why don't we have this law in Saskatchewan I wonder?
- PEI is cottage country in many parts. Where we are, there are many cottage/resort places that can be rented out. I thought this was a super cool idea. So smart for a wedding or family reunion or a vacation like my fam-jam is doing right now. Our little cottage is at a place called Anne's Windy Poplars and it is so neat! So much space, and really cute. We have a BBQ, stove, dishwasher, hot tub, and wireless (thank goodness!)
- The traffic lights in PEI are all shape-oriented. For example: the red/stop light is a square, the green/go light is a circle, and the yellow/caution light is a diamond shape. My mother and boyfriend, who both happen to be colourblind, appreciate this concept. Once again, why don't we have this in Saskatchewan?
- All of the dirt, even in all the fields (PEI is very agricultural which surprised me!), are red. Red dirt. Everywhere. It makes the land seem more magical and vivid. So cool.
- Everyone in the Maritimes has a hint of an accent. Sometimes you notice, sometimes not. They all say "youse" though, which I try not to laugh at.
- There is also a very strong Francophone culture in all of the Maritimes. All of the signs are bilingual here, which is different from the signs in Sask, as well in PEI, some of the houses that we passed have gold stars on their doors, which means that they are Acadian. Trent explained to me that it is a very proud culture, but the language can be confusing because it mixes French and English words in the same sentences!
That's all for now!
Your trip sounds great! I would love to travel to the east. You should check if they have any different means of technology there. Like you talked about the traffic lights, that sounds so different but makes a person think that not everything is the same province to province. Canada is such a vast country. Have fun on the rest of your trip.